"That's the nature of women not to love when we love them, and to love when we love them not." -Miguel de Cervantes

"Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is. " -Albert Camus

"The future ain't what it used to be." -Yogi Berra

"I do not want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well." -Diane Ackerman

"Happiness is seeing the muscular lifeguard all the girls were admiring leave the beach hand in hand with another muscular lifeguard." -Johnny Carson

"Liberty has restraints but no frontiers." -Lloyd George

"Life is the most important, precious and valuable thing." -Anwarshah Anwary

"Never expose yourself unnecessarily to danger a miracle may not save you...and if it does, it will be deducted from your share of luck or merit." -The Talmud

"To endure the cross is not tragedy it is the suffering which is the fruit of an exclusive allegiance to Jesus Christ." -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"Where it is duty to worship the sun, it is pretty sure to be a crime to examine the laws of heat." -John Morley