"I handed one of my creditors an IOU and thought thank heavens that's settled." -Richard Sheridan

"The goal of revival is conformity to the image of Christ, not imitation of animals." -Richard F. Lovelace

"A manager doesn't hear the cheers." -Alvin Dark

"The right man is the one who seizes the moment." -Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

"Competition between individuals sets one against the other and undermines morale, but competition between organizations builds morale and encourages creativity." -Unknown

"I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity." -Roosevelt, Eleanor

"Love is what is left in a relationship after all the selfishness has been removed." -Cullen Hightower

"You don't get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour." -Jim Rohn

"What's vice today may be virtue, tomorrow." -Henry Fielding

"Once lead this people into war and they will forget there ever was such a thing as tolerance." -Woodrow Wilson