"You can never lose anything that really belongs to you, and you can�t keep that which belongs to someone else." -Edgar Cayce
"They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing" -Hindu proverb
"Happy people plan actions, they don't plan results." -Denis Waitley
"Cherish that which is within you, and shut off that which is without." -Chuang Tzu
"In America, public opinion is the leader." -Frances Perkins
"Society is joint action and cooperation in which each participant sees the other partner�s success as a means for the attainment of his own." -Ludwig von Mises
"It's so hard when contemplated in advance, and so easy when you just do it. " -Robert M. Pirsig
"Quality is not an act, it is a habit." -Aristotle
"First thoughts are not always the best." -Vittorio Alfieri
"Time rushes towards us with its hospital tray of infinitely varied narcotics, even while it is preparing us for its inevitably fatal operation." -Tennessee Williams